Patanvav Osam Hill - places to visit near Rajkot

Patanvav Osam Hill - places to visit near Rajkot. Patanvav Osam Hill is nice place to visit around Rajkot in 110km distance. Holiday place near Rajkot where you can reach in 2 hour.

If you searching for one day holiday picnic place near Rajkot, Osam Hill is good place to visit. Place located at Patanvav.

Patanvav Osam Hill is around 110 kms away from Rajkot city. At Patanvav Osam Hill you can visit refreshing hill with fresh air. Osam Hill place situated at Patanvav. Place have temples on hill and good space to enjoy picnic.

Patanvav Osam Hill where the five Pandavas are believed to have stayed during their exile.

On the hill there are ruins of a fort, which is called Fort of Pandavas.

As per the mythological beliefs, Osam Hill is place where Bhima met Hidimbi.

Best time to visit Osam Hill is during Monsoon and on weekends.

Patanvav Osam Hill From Rajkot:

Osam Hill located at Patanvav.

Beautiful place in middle of Saurashtra,


Patanvav Osam Hill place photos:

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Rajkot to Patanvav Osam Hill direction:

Distance from Rajkot to Patanvav Osam Hill is approx 110km, where you can reach in 2 hour.

Patanvav Osam Hill - places to visit near Rajkot.

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